It's farming time again. Luke is in the field, I am on the home front. Keeping up with the girls and their doings, gearing up for the end of school and a busy June. It's amazing how days go by so quickly. I have chores, Josie has stuff constantly, just getting through dinner, reviewing her days schoolwork, and bath time is a marathon. Then Luke and I catch a precious few minuets alone watching something on TV and it's time to crash and do it all again tomorrow.
We got the garden in. Luke and the girls did. I didn't help. I don't enjoy it like he does. Luke loves the garden, and the soil, and the plants. I just tend it. Pulling weeds, harvesting, canning. It is good to watch him though, showing the girls just how to push earth over seeds. Hopefully he is planting more than lettuce, spinach, and green beans in their minds. Hopefully there are seeds there taking root. My real prayer is that they will grow up and see this little town, this farm, this simple as not so bad a way to live.
The business is a blessing. Life is always pulling forward and there is no choice but to move with it. Even though that hurts a little sometimes. Sometimes it doesn't hurt at all and there's a joy in the movement. It's funny that way.
Last Saturday was Kindergarten registration. It hit harder than I expected. Rie would be a kindergartner. Had life been different, had she not gotten sick... Who would her best friend be? Would she be getting her ears pierced now? Would she be fighting me over everything? No answers... I keep close the words:
You're meant for so much more than all of this, You're beautiful...You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His" Beautiful, MercyMe
There was a different plan for Rie.
So, I deal. I move. I help Josie heal. She's needed a lot of help with healing these last few months. I am so grateful that we have been able to provide that help for her. Her smiles coming easier. It's working.
Last night we had Ground Beef Pie for dinner with fruit salad, we sat on the patio and watched the twilight come in. Sarah tipped her chair over backwards and cracked her head on the cement. Eva was too busy watching the neighbor kids to eat her dinner. Today Luke is taking the drill home from the implement dealership to get it ready to plan millet the end of the month and Eva will get her first haircut. Next week we'll be planting corn. The wheat's green and tall and just barely starting to head out. The cottonwoods are starting to seed. I have floors to mop. And in all of that is the beauty.
If I squint my eyes looking hard enough that's the blessings. Those little moments with a cool beer on the patio and a sunset and kids playing with the dog. Blessed. And because Josie always asks me, that's where Heaven is. Just behind the sunset. Because the sun never sets there. We're that close to her, to Him. Jesus is just behind that streak of red in the sky.