Wednesday, July 28, 2010

11 months...

Eleven months of sassy pants, silly, growling, funny faces to make you laugh, won't eat vegetables no matter what, baby doll loving, crawling everywhere, blonder than blond, want's her own way, plays with cars, follows Mommy everywhere, loves her Dog-dog, water baby, into everything Sarah...

Eleven months of missing turquoise eyed, brown haired, talks herself to sleep, to big for baby stuff, sleeps in the middle, toenail painting, fairy book loving, likes Daddy more than anything, snuggles to sleep at night, bites when she's mad, oatmeal for breakfast, swing outside all day, Eskimo kissing, center of everything sweet, sweet Marie... 

And just because there should be a picture of her too, the very best big sister in the entire world!!!



Lori said...

Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! Sarah looks so big!

clarissa said...

gorgeous girls you got!! Sarah is blond-white haired like Josiah and Hadassah (Marcus is turning blonder now too). Abigail has never been blonde-white. Marie's eyes are like blueberries, so blue and big... beautiful! Thought of you all today on the 11 month anniversary of Marie's flight Home! Prayers for you all -always!
God's peace!

2awesomekidz said...

Oh my, how she's grown!!! Beautiful sisters!

Anonymous said...

Look at Josie farming away, you go girl! Wonderfull pics as always shannon!!

Anonymous said...

magical faces...every single one of them...

Anonymous said...

aww...precious!! Thinking of you and praying!!~Elisa

P.S My youngest daughter's birthday is Aug.27th:)isn't that the day Sarah was born?

The VW's said...

Sarah looks so mature in that picture! What a cutie!

Sorry you are having to miss your precious middle girl!

And, Josie definitely seems the best big sister ever!

Love and Hugs!!!

Holly said...