Saturday, August 28, 2010

For Marie...

Oh, Little Mama...  Today I don't have words.  I have an ache in my heart and tears in my eyes and a determination to celebrate your life.  I am trying not to allow myself to feel sorrow or despair today.  Today Rie Rie is all about freedom.  And how much God loves you.  And how you are healed and perfect now in Heaven, and you must be a sight to see and I want to praise Him for that. 

Today the words of your hymn were in my head when I woke up, and they say it better than I can now.  I can feel it though...  How many times did we sing this song Mama, and we sang it at your service too... because your eyes would light up when you heard the words.

Oh how He loves you Marie, Oh how He loves us and gives us peace in the midst of pain.  Oh how He loves you and me....

Oh How He Loves You and Me
          Oh, how He loves you and me, 
          Oh, how He loves you and me. 
          He gave His life, what more could He give; 
          Oh, how He loves you, 
          Oh, how He loves me, 
          Oh, how He loves you and me.
          Jesus to Calv'ry did go, 
          His love for mankind to show. 
          What He did there brought hope from despair. 
          Oh, how He loves you, 
          Oh, how He loves me, 
          Oh how He loves you and me.   
          Oh, how He loves you and me, 
          Oh, how He loves you and me. 
          He gave His life, what more could He give; 
          Oh, how He loves you, 
          Oh, how He loves me, 
          Oh, how He loves you and me.

We love you Princess Marie...


ANewKindOfPerfect said...

I woke up thinking about your beautiful Marie this morning. I wonder if I was dreaming about her?

I am literally typing with tears running down my cheeks. I never got to "meet" you beautiful girl except online, yet I feel such sadness at this one year anniversary.

She was, and still is, a gorgeous princess!

Lori said...

Today is Marie's 1st Eternal Birthday! I bet they are having a party up there! That's how I like to think about it. Happy Birthday, Marie!

clarissa said...

Marie will forever be remembered by our family... we love her.

The VW's said...

Thinking of you and your sweet girl....with tears in my eyes. May you find comfort knowing that Marie is well taken care of and always smiling in heaven! Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!

Valerie said...

Its hard to not have tears...but I know we should understand that Marie is having a celebration up there! Running, playing, singing, skipping....Not because it's a year do we remember her...because we always have her close to our hearts and thoughts....Our prayers and sincere wishes for peace today and always...

Valerie said...

Omg! What a darling picture you tood on Cinnamon Sticks Boutique giveaway! It touched my heart..not even knowing who and what was in the picture. That is a cherible picture....and like many say..."priceless". What an amazing photographer you are....