Tuesday, October 07, 2008


I updated the Caring Bridge so you can hop over there for the full story. In short, Marie's episodes of jerkiness are not getting better, and they're actually becoming more frequent. The upped dose of Clonazepam isn't helping so we're going to completely switch meds to Diazepam in an effort to control these spells.

Please pray that Marie handles the meds change okay. It should be fine, they're very similar prescriptions, but a Mama can't help but worry. I'll keep you all posted...

Much love-

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RC said...

Thinking of you of course. Kiss little Rie for me:)

Melinda said...

I think of sweet Marie everyday and am always checking in to see if you have updated. I'll be praying that these new meds help and praying for you to have extra strength in all of this!!

Mommy pfohl said...

I certainly am praying! I pray that this med is a quick answer to slow and STOP these episodes! hang in there! We are with you!

Susie said...

Poor little sweety. I hope the meds help, and fast!
We miss seeing you on the Mom's Group. I'm glad for your blog so I can check up on how you're all doing!

Michaelene said...

Oh honey! I just sent off an email and hadn't read the update - blech. I am praying that she will handle the change in her meds without incident and that they will work for her! Praying, praying for you. I send you all much, much love - Be still, my friend.

Holly said...

Please know that we are praying for sweet baby girl. Sophia takes Clonzepam and Diastat (not daily though, only when she has seizure episodes) but if you need anything please let me know. It's so hard to hear about this. Thanks for updating and I'll pray for you guys.

The VW's said...

I'll be praying!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Praying that the new meds work and Marie gets back to her normal soon. I hate new symptoms. They always scare us mommas!